Free Facial Trial at Shakura Pigmentation Beauty

First time ever I'm getting a free facial trial at Shakura Pigmentation Beauty via Facebook. Definitely gonna review it and share with you guys about this! So let's check on the details at below. Continue reading peeps!
*Just to clarify at the beginning of this post: This not a sponsorship post! It is all based on my personal experience.

1st step: To get a free trial, wait for their promotion at Facebook page. The free trial is only available to customer who is never been their shop. Just fill in the form and wait for it!
*Tips here no point to lie as they have all of their customers' details in computer system.

2nd step: They will keep calling you to make sure you finalize appointment date. which means they are equally eager for you to try their facial skills. Good for those who wish to try but think their shops are too high class to enter. I'm saying this just based on my own personal opinion. Of course I hope you guys are braver than me which you guys just dare to walk-in like that!

3rd step: Based on my own experience, they will keep you on track for their appointment just in case you forget. The beauty consultant will call you one day earlier to remind you as well and of course they also text you via phone. So double confirmations have been done just to make sure you remember and come.

After that.... DADADA! It's the day of appointment which you will go to the location you choose to enjoy the free trial.

I will keep it updating kay! So stay tuned!


  1. hey, can i ask what is the experience for the free facial? from susie


